Wednesday 22 January 2014

Oracle shared server processes generates huge trace files in diag > rdbms > trace directory

Oracle shared server processes generates huge trace files in diag > rdbms > trace directory

There is Oracle bug that can cause shared server processes to generate huge trace files in the diag > rdbms > trace directory.

If you are using RAC this problem usually appears only in one node at the time.

Inside trace files you can find following errors (reparse is main thing to watch):
kksfbc: entering reparse diagnosis mode for xsc:0x7381dcbd0


 Check cursor failed ctx=(nil) xscflg=110632 ctxflg=0 flg=102
 kksSearchChildList: no suitable child found (hash_match=0)


Current Cursor Sharing Diagnostics Nodes:
  Child Node: 2  ID=40 reason=Bind mismatch(8) size=4x4


This bug itself is not fatal if you have enough free space in disk where diag directory is.
But if that disk run out of free space then alert log will start to log errors about the trace file writing.

And if the diag directory is in the default place there will be probably other log and files in the same disk which will cause you more problems when the disk is full. For example listener log.

There is fix for this bug in MOS (My Oracle Support) and also more information (MOS ID):
10373013.8   (you can check patches from Patch & Updates > search  10373013)

NOTE! The bug is already fixed in and 12.1 versions. And some patch updates of . Quick workaround for this problem is empty trace files for example this way in Linux:
cat /dev/null > trace_file_name.trc  . If you just delete the file it will not free used space until you restart database. But above emptying will free space immediately. But this is just workaround and error can hit again later. So if you get these often it is better to use bug fix or upgrade the database into new version.

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