Thursday, 26 September 2013

apache apache mod_proxy_balancer. ProxyPass Directive

ProxyPass Directive

Description:Maps remote servers into the local server URL-space
Syntax:ProxyPass [path] !|url [key=value key=value ...]] [nocanon] [interpolate]
Context:server config, virtual host, directory
This directive allows remote servers to be mapped into the space of the local server; the local server does not act as a proxy in the conventional sense, but appears to be a mirror of the remote server. The local server is often called a reverse proxy or gateway. The path is the name of a local virtual path; url is a partial URL for the remote server and cannot include a query string.
The ProxyRequests directive should usually be set off when using ProxyPass.
Suppose the local server has address; then
ProxyPass /mirror/foo/
will cause a local request for to be internally converted into a proxy request to
If the first argument ends with a trailing /, the second argument should also end with a trailing / and vice versa. Otherwise the resulting requests to the backend may miss some needed slashes and do not deliver the expected results.
The ! directive is useful in situations where you don't want to reverse-proxy a subdirectory, e.g.
ProxyPass /mirror/foo/i !
ProxyPass /mirror/foo
will proxy all requests to /mirror/foo to except requests made to /mirror/foo/i.

Ordering ProxyPass Directives

The configured ProxyPass and ProxyPassMatch rules are checked in the order of configuration. The first rule that matches wins. So usually you should sort conflicting ProxyPass rules starting with the longest URLs first. Otherwise later rules for longer URLS will be hidden by any earlier rule which uses a leading substring of the URL. Note that there is some relation with worker sharing.
For the same reasons exclusions must come before the general ProxyPass directives.
In Apache HTTP Server 2.1 and later, mod_proxy supports pooled connections to a backend server. Connections created on demand can be retained in a pool for future use. Limits on the pool size and other settings can be coded on the ProxyPass directive using key=value parameters, described in the table below.
By default, mod_proxy will allow and retain the maximum number of connections that could be used simultaneously by that web server child process. Use the max parameter to reduce the number from the default. Use the ttl parameter to set an optional time to live; connections which have been unused for at least ttl seconds will be closed. ttl can be used to avoid using a connection which is subject to closing because of the backend server's keep-alive timeout.
The pool of connections is maintained per web server child process, and max and other settings are not coordinated among all child processes, except when only one child process is allowed by configuration or MPM design.


ProxyPass /example max=20 ttl=120 retry=300
min0Minimum number of connection pool entries, unrelated to the actual number of connections. This only needs to be modified from the default for special circumstances where heap memory associated with the backend connections should be preallocated or retained.
max1...nMaximum number of connections that will be allowed to the backend server. The default for this limit is the number of threads per process in the active MPM. In the Prefork MPM, this is always 1, while with other MPMs it is controlled by the ThreadsPerChild directive.
smaxmaxRetained connection pool entries above this limit are freed during certain operations if they have been unused for longer than the time to live, controlled by the ttl parameter. If the connection pool entry has an associated connection, it will be closed. This only needs to be modified from the default for special circumstances where connection pool entries and any associated connections which have exceeded the time to live need to be freed or closed more aggressively.
acquire-If set this will be the maximum time to wait for a free connection in the connection pool, in milliseconds. If there are no free connections in the pool the Apache will return SERVER_BUSY status to the client.
connectiontimeouttimeoutConnect timeout in seconds. The number of seconds Apache waits for the creation of a connection to the backend to complete. By adding a postfix of ms the timeout can be also set in milliseconds.
disablereuseOffThis parameter should be used when you want to force mod_proxy to immediately close a connection to the backend after being used, and thus, disable its persistent connection and pool for that backend. This helps in various situations where a firewall between Apache and the backend server (regardless of protocol) tends to silently drop connections or when backends themselves may be under round- robin DNS. To disable connection pooling reuse, set this property value to On.
flushpacketsoffDetermines whether the proxy module will auto-flush the output brigade after each "chunk" of data. 'off' means that it will flush only when needed, 'on' means after each chunk is sent and 'auto' means poll/wait for a period of time and flush if no input has been received for 'flushwait' milliseconds. Currently this is in effect only for AJP.
flushwait10The time to wait for additional input, in milliseconds, before flushing the output brigade if 'flushpackets' is 'auto'.
This parameter should be used when you have a firewall between your Apache and the backend server, who tend to drop inactive connections. This flag will tell the Operating System to send KEEP_ALIVE messages on inactive connections and thus prevent the firewall to drop the connection. To enable keepalive set this property value to On.
The frequency of initial and subsequent TCP keepalive probes depends on global OS settings, and may be as high as 2 hours. To be useful, the frequency configured in the OS must be smaller than the threshold used by the firewall.
lbset0Sets the load balancer cluster set that the worker is a member of. The load balancer will try all members of a lower numbered lbset before trying higher numbered ones.
ping0Ping property tells webserver to send a CPING request on ajp13 connection before forwarding a request. The parameter is the delay in seconds to wait for the CPONG reply. This features has been added to avoid problem with hung and busy Tomcat's and require ajp13 ping/pong support which has been implemented on Tomcat 3.3.2+, 4.1.28+ and 5.0.13+. This will increase the network traffic during the normal operation which could be an issue, but it will lower the traffic in case some of the cluster nodes are down or busy. Currently this has an effect only for AJP. By adding a postfix of ms the delay can be also set in milliseconds.
loadfactor1Worker load factor. Used with BalancerMember. It is a number between 1 and 100 and defines the normalized weighted load applied to the worker.
redirect-Redirection Route of the worker. This value is usually set dynamically to enable safe removal of the node from the cluster. If set all requests without session id will be redirected to the BalancerMember that has route parameter equal as this value.
retry60Connection pool worker retry timeout in seconds. If the connection pool worker to the backend server is in the error state, Apache will not forward any requests to that server until the timeout expires. This enables to shut down the backend server for maintenance, and bring it back online later. A value of 0 means always retry workers in an error state with no timeout.
route-Route of the worker when used inside load balancer. The route is a value appended to session id.
status-Single letter value defining the initial status of this worker: 'D' is disabled, 'S' is stopped, 'I' is ignore-errors, 'H' is hot-standby and 'E' is in an error state. Status can be set (which is the default) by prepending with '+' or cleared by prepending with '-'. Thus, a setting of 'S-E' sets this worker to Stopped and clears the in-error flag.
timeoutProxyTimeoutConnection timeout in seconds. The number of seconds Apache waits for data sent by / to the backend.
ttl-Time to live for inactive connections and associated connection pool entries, in seconds. Once reaching this limit, a connection will not be used again; it will be closed at some later time.
If the ProxyPass directive scheme starts with the balancer:// (eg: balancer://cluster/, any path information is ignored) then a virtual worker that does not really communicate with the backend server will be created. Instead it is responsible for the management of several "real" workers. In that case the special set of parameters can be add to this virtual worker. See mod_proxy_balancer for more information about how the balancer works.
lbmethodbyrequestsBalancer load-balance method. Select the load-balancing scheduler method to use. Either byrequests, to perform weighted request counting, bytraffic, to perform weighted traffic byte count balancing, or bybusyness (Apache HTTP Server 2.2.10 and later), to perform pending request balancing. Default is byrequests.
maxattemptsOne less than the number of workers, or 1 with a single worker.Maximum number of failover attempts before giving up.
nofailoverOffIf set to On the session will break if the worker is in error state or disabled. Set this value to On if backend servers do not support session replication.
stickysession-Balancer sticky session name. The value is usually set to something like JSESSIONID or PHPSESSIONID, and it depends on the backend application server that support sessions. If the backend application server uses different name for cookies and url encoded id (like servlet containers) use | to to separate them. The first part is for the cookie the second for the path.
scolonpathdelimOffIf set to On the semi-colon character ';' will be used as an additional sticky session path deliminator/separator. This is mainly used to emulate mod_jk's behavior when dealing with paths such as JSESSIONID=6736bcf34;foo=aabfa
timeout0Balancer timeout in seconds. If set this will be the maximum time to wait for a free worker. Default is not to wait.
failonstatus-A single or comma-separated list of HTTP status codes. If set this will force the worker into error state when the backend returns any status code in the list. Worker recovery behaves the same as other worker errors. Available with Apache HTTP Server 2.2.17 and later.
failontimeoutOffIf set, an IO read timeout after a request is sent to the backend will force the worker into error state. Worker recovery behaves the same as other worker errors. Available with Apache HTTP Server 2.2.25 and later.
forcerecoveryOnForce the immediate recovery of all workers without considering the retry parameter of the workers if all workers of a balancer are in error state. There might be cases where an already overloaded backend can get into deeper trouble if the recovery of all workers is enforced without considering the retry parameter of each worker. In this case set to Off. Available with Apache HTTP Server 2.2.23 and later.
A sample balancer setup
ProxyPass /special-area smax=5 max=10
ProxyPass / balancer://mycluster/ stickysession=JSESSIONID|jsessionid nofailover=On
<Proxy balancer://mycluster>
BalancerMember ajp://
BalancerMember ajp:// loadfactor=20
# Less powerful server, don't send as many requests there,
BalancerMember ajp:// loadfactor=5
Setting up a hot-standby, that will only be used if no other members are available
ProxyPass / balancer://hotcluster/
<Proxy balancer://hotcluster>
BalancerMember ajp:// loadfactor=1
BalancerMember ajp:// loadfactor=2
# The below is the hot standby
BalancerMember ajp:// status=+H
ProxySet lbmethod=bytraffic
Normally, mod_proxy will canonicalise ProxyPassed URLs. But this may be incompatible with some backends, particularly those that make use ofPATH_INFO. The optional nocanon keyword suppresses this, and passes the URL path "raw" to the backend. Note that may affect the security of your backend, as it removes the normal limited protection against URL-based attacks provided by the proxy.
The optional interpolate keyword (available in httpd 2.2.9 and later), in combination with ProxyPassInterpolateEnv causes the ProxyPass to interpolate environment variables, using the syntax ${VARNAME}. Note that many of the standard CGI-derived environment variables will not exist when this interpolation happens, so you may still have to resort to mod_rewrite for complex rules.
When used inside a <Location> section, the first argument is omitted and the local directory is obtained from the <Location>. The same will occur inside a <LocationMatch> section, however ProxyPass does not interpret the regexp as such, so it is necessary to use ProxyPassMatch in this situation instead.
This directive is not supported in <Directory> or <Files> sections.
If you require a more flexible reverse-proxy configuration, see the RewriteRule directive with the [P] flag.

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